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The Timor Telecom Carrier From East Timor is denoted by codes: 514 02. The followings IDs are called HNI (Home network identity). This code is created by the combination of two other Mobile Country Code (MCC) and Mobile Network Code (MNC). The first three numbers stand for the MCC and they are used in order to identify the region which the carried comes from (in the following example it’s East Timor). The last numbers of the HNI code are equal with the MNC and this ID is given for the specific mobile network operator.

Besides Timor Telecom East Timor has assigned country code + 670. This number + 670 is equal with international calling code and it’s simply the telephone dialing prefixes used for calling Timor Telecom numbers.
Timor Telecom uses 1 GSM bands, 0 UMTS bands, 1 and 0 CDMA bands.. You can read the specific frequency bands in the table below. All bands of the Timor Telecom are display in MHz units.
Another important information in Timor Telecom East Timor architectures is the standard of used protocols. It also uses 2 protocols such as GSM, UMTS, LTE, CDMA. The ISO standard code of Timor Telecom is TP. You can see more info about this mobile network operator at http://www.timortelecom.tl/. How to check Timor Telecom coverage? How to check if your phone will work in East Timor?

FloppySend About
Name Timor Telecom
Company Timor Telecom
Country East Timor flag East Timor
Country ISO TP
Country code + 670
Carrier website http://www.timortelecom.tl/
Carrier codes
  • 514 02
Mobile prefix 77, 78
Size of NSN 8
Number format

+670 77x xxx xx

+670 78x xxx xx

Coverage map Unknown
Subscribers 620 000 (Q2 2015)
GSM bands
  • 900 (E-GSM)
GSM protocols
  • EDGE
  • GPRS
LTE bands
  • B3 (1800+)
FloppySend Third Party Integration FloppySend Third Party Integration

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MCC MNC Operator Country
514 03FloppySend - East Timor - TelemorTelemorFloppySend - East Timor - TelemorEast Timor
514 01FloppySend - East Timor - TelkomcelTelkomcelFloppySend - East Timor - TelkomcelEast Timor
514 02FloppySend - East Timor - Timor TelecomTimor TelecomFloppySend - East Timor - Timor TelecomEast Timor

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